Just love isn't enough | RV International | sandra | Rosso Venexiano -Sito e blog per scrivere e pubblicare online poesie, racconti / condividere foto e grafica



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  • Gloria Fiorani
  • Antonio Spagnuolo
  • Gianluca Ceccato
  • Mariagrazia
  • Domenico Puleo

Just love isn't enough

 Just love isn't enough
right now, i just want to hold you
feel it, can you feel it?
it is all a part of love
my heart is warering, i feel trapped
i pretend to ignored you and turn my back to you
when in fact i love you more.
Then anyone else
these feelings that i'm trying to show
i always over looked by you.
why it is things i want to say
ah? i can never say them out,
tell me even if others loud
think i'm being silly
i guess that cannot be helped.
just love isn't enough
believe it, believe i hope you can believe it.

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  • Antonio.T.
  • Fausto Raso
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